CAA 2022 Call for Proposals
Chicago, IL, February 16—14, 2022 (FORMAT TO BE DETERMINED)
The CAA Annual Conference is the largest professional convening of art historians, artists, designers, curators, and others in the visual arts. Each year we offer sessions submitted by our members, committees, and affiliated societies offering a wide range of program content.
The Annual Conference Committee & Council of Readers review over 1,000 submissions each year. They take into account subject areas and themese that arise from accepted proposals to present as broad and diverse a program as possible.
The Call for Proposals gives CAA members the opportunity to submit for the 2022 CAA Annual Conference. Proposals must be submitted from March 1 through May 12, 11:59pm EDT [extended].
Upon acceptance, all session participants (chair, presenter, discussant) must be/become current Individual CAA members, and ALSO register for the conference, in order to participate in a session. See more details below.
CAA schedules the conference program so that overlap of content is as infrequent as possible. However, given the number of sessions, and the format, this is not always possible.
The Annual Conference is currently scheduled to take place in Chicago, IL, February 16-19, 2022. The Annual Conference Committee and CAA leadership is reviewing the 2021 Annual Conference to determine the best format, size, and length of the 2022 program for all constituencies. Submitters will have an opportunity to comment on format in the forms. Updates will follow, and more details will be communicated to CAA committees, members, and submitters as soon as they become available.
CAA Affiliated Societies and CAA Committees may each submit information for one guaranteed session in either the "CAA Affiliated Societies and CAA Professional Committee - Complete Session" form or the "CAA Affiliated Societies and CAA Professional Committee - Sessions Soliciting Contributors" form, according to the general session proposal deadlines. Participation rules apply.
- Your individual CAA Member ID and account password. Log in to the portal with your CAA Member ID and password. If you are not a member of CAA, email or call 212-691-1051, ext. 1 to request a non-member CAA ID.
- Title and abstract (250 words max.) for your session or presentation.
- The five CAA Fields of Study that best represent your proposal. The first five selected will be viewed during the review process. See our full fields of study list.
- Possible scheduling conflicts and other logistical considerations.
- CVs for chairs, workshop leaders, posters, individual presentation submissions (shortened CVs preferred).
- For Complete Sessions, you must have all names and affiliations of session participants (chairs, presenters, discussants), presentation titles, and abstracts (250 words max.). Participants can be added to your session either by name or email and must have a CAA Member ID.
- [Optional] You may include images with to your session or presentation proposal. This is optional and is meant to complement your abstract. You may include up to 5 images, in jpeg format. Each image may be no larger than 10 MB.
- Many questions may be answered at our Proposals FAQ page.
- Content Threads - While the format and framework has yet to be determined, for CAA 2022 we will invite submitters to identify whether their content falls into the following three content threads. Selecting a thread allows your content to be tagged accordingly in the CAA 2022 conference schedule. You may select multiple threads. Your selection will not impact the review process.
- Women-Centered Content: For CAA 2020, in collaboration with the Committee on Women in the Arts, CAA presented the conference program with roughly 50% conference content identified by submitters as being focused on women-centered content. Read more about the original call for 50/50 at this CAA news link.
- Climate Crisis: For CAA 2021, CAA offered a selection of sessions, papers, speakers, and related programming on the topic of climate crisis. Read more about the original call at this CAA news link.
- Social Justice: For CAA 2022, we invite submitters to identify whether their content falls into the above content threads, as well as a social justice focus area, which includes submissions on the topic of social justice.
- Please follow the Chicago Manual of Style for your submission.
- All abstract proposals must be no longer than 250 words.
- Submissions may be started and worked on during multiple visits to the submission portal before the deadline.
- The accuracy of information in the submission is important as, if selected, it will be transferred to the conference program, abstract booklet, website, etc., exactly as written.
Please be sure to confirm dates regularly as they may shift, thank you for your understanding. This list is up to date as of April 13, 2021.
- March 1-May 12, 11:59pm EDT: Submissions accepted for CAA 2022. [extended]
- May - June: Review by the Council of Readers and the Annual Conference Committee.
- Early August: Acceptance notifications sent for submissions entered by the May 12 deadline.
- August 12 - September 16: Chairs of accepted Sessions Soliciting Contributors will accept proposals directly from submitters during the Call for Participation.
- Early September: Notification of schedule is sent to accepted submissions entered by the May 12 deadline. Chairs are responsible for notifying their participants.
- September 15: Deadline for Poster Sessions, Workshops and Exhibitor Session submissions.
- September 23: Deadline for Chairs of Sessions Soliciting Contributors to make their decisions and directly notify their accepted presenters.
- February 16-19,2022: CAA 2022 Annual Conference
Page updated April 13, 2021. Check back regularly for updates!